There are several greetings in Italian: • Buon giorno/Buona sera = Good morning/Good evening. Polite/formal; definitely use with people you might call 'Mr.'

Or 'Mrs./Ms.' In English (superiors, authority figures, older people). People start saying buona sera between 2 and 4 in the afternoon; there is also the phrase buon pomeriggio (good afternoon) but it only used on TV/radio. • Salve = Hello. A neutral greeting, used with social equals, sometimes with shopkeepers (less formal than buon giorno but more formal than ciao). A familiar greeting, used for people you know or family.


Very Good Italian

Use with people you would call by their first name. • Pronto = Hello (telephone).

How Do You Say Great Aunt In Italian

Italians normally use it when they wish each other good luck, especially before. Well, instead of saying, “Keep it to yourself,” in Italian, you'd be told to “keep the. Chief keef finally rich zippyshare.