1. How To Learn Basic English Conversation
  2. How To Learn English Speaking
How To Learn English ConversationEnglish

How To Learn Basic English Conversation

Amy: What have you been pulled over 1 for? Curtis: I’ve been pulled over for tailgating 2 an ambulance. Amy: Oh, my God. I didn’t think that was the story he was going to pick. Curtis: No, this is a very, very bad thing to do. I don’t recommend you doing this. What’s tailgating?


How to practice using these conversation starters. Practice these conversation questions in English with a partner or speak them outloud at home.

How To Learn English Speaking

Curtis: Tailgating is following somebody too close. So usually you have to leave a car length in between the car in front of you and your car. And I at that point Amy: Had a very, very bad habit of driving way too close. Curtis: Right. And in between–or I was in between the emergency ambulance vehicle in front of me and a police car behind me. But I didn’t know it was a police car because it didn’t have the lights.