
Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Pdf

Abstrak The purpose of this study were 1) To describe the effectiveness of school-based management implementation in SMP Saraswati 1 Tabanan in terms of context variables, inputs, processes, and products. 2) To describe the obstacles encountered in implementing school-based management in SMP Saraswati 1 Tabanan. The research was carried out in the SMP Saraswati 1 Tabanan in 2011, using two approaches namely quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative approach is used to reveal the effectiveness of the implementation of school-based management (SBM) in Tabanan 1 SMP Saraswati. While the qualitative approach is used to describe the constraints of the implementation of school-based management and alternative solutions.

Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Ebook

The subject of this research is the principal, teachers, staff and school committee. Instruments used in collecting data are: questionnaires, observation and interview guide sheet. Good kid maad city deluxe zip. From the study found. 1) The evaluation of the implementation of school-based management (SBM) in Tabanan SMP Saraswati 1 by using the CIPP model of program evaluation results obtained are very effective. 2) constraints encountered in implementing school-based management (SBM) on SMP Saraswati 1 Tabanan is low and the lack of the following matters, namely: the people's aspirations for education, socioeconomic status, school goals, the presence of students, the attitude of independence, the program management, process collaboration and participation, independence and sustainbilitas school. Efforts to do to overcome these obstacles is by digging community support, improvements to public view, pensosialisasian programs, empowerment of school committees and increase school autonomy.